Split Payment Option

Part Cash / Part Check
Split Payment Option

Flexible Supplier Payment Options

WeighPay offers the easiest and most secure way to make your purchase payments as flexible as possible.

Split your payments between suppliers

With WeighPay, you can split your payments between any of these popular methods (cash, check, transfer or delayed payment).

Cash, Check, Transfer or Delayed Payment

WeighPay lets you choose which of these payment methods would work best for your business. You get flexibility and security with all of them.

Ease of use

With our simple and easy-to-use interface, we're making managing your suppliers and customers payments a breeze not a burden.

Explore other features of WeighPay's

Point of Sale and Purchase


Automate your Point of Sale and Point of Purchase operations with WeighPay’s modern features and hardware integrations. Streamline the process and reduce the amount of time it takes to process inbound and outbound orders and tickets.
Send Customers to the ATM for Cash Pay

ATM Integration

Send Customers to the ATM for Cash Pay
Writing Checks to Suppliers

Check Printing

Writing Checks to Suppliers
The image tells the story

Camera Integration

The image tells the story
Scan, Snap in Seconds

ID Scanner Integration

Scan, Snap in Seconds
Pulling the weights automatically

Scale Integration

Pulling the weights automatically
Part Cash / Part Check

Split Payment Option

Part Cash / Part Check
Scan and Save Fingerprints from any Device

Fingerprint Scanner

Scan and Save Fingerprints from any Device
Manage Approved Modifiers

Assign Custom Bonuses & Deductions

Manage Approved Modifiers
Hold that Payment

Delay Payment

Hold that Payment
Cash In and Cash Out

Cash Drawer Management

Cash In and Cash Out